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2024 Peter Hinde CRISPAZ Peace award.
We are excited to announce the 2024 Peter Hinde CRISPAZ Peace Award honorees and invite you to save the date for this special event. On

Catholic Outlook Online Magazine: Students gain new perspective on border issues
Ohio voters may have favored a more restricted approach to immigrations in 2016, but for 17 students from John

El Salvador immersion an eye-opener for Mt. Lebanon resident
Access to the Internet, as you might imagine, is somewhat limited in El Salvador.

The University of Scranton Presents Pedro Arrupe, S.J., Award to CRISPAZ
The University presented its 2017 Pedro Arrupe, S.J., Award for Distinguished Contributions to Ignatian Mission and Ministry to CRISPAZ

A Reflection by Riley Weber
The organization Christians for Peace in El Salvador, or CRISPAZ, hosted me and ten other University of Dayton students