El Salvador Encounter


For 40 years, the El Salvador Encounter Program has provided faith-based delegation experiences where participants learn from the Salvadoran people about their lives, histories, and hopes for the future.

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El Salvador Encounter

For 36 years, the El Salvador Encounter Program has provided faith-based delegation experiences where participants learn from the Salvadoran people about their lives, histories, and hopes for the future.

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Our Mission & vISION

CRISPAZ promotes peace with justice in El Salvador by lifting up the voice and agency of communities affected by violence and oppression while inspiring people of goodwill to act in solidarity locally and globally for nonviolent social change.

We envision a world in which people practice nonviolence to heal, build community, transform conflict and foster justice.

Elderly man talking with delegation leader
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THe peter hinde
peace award

Inspired in the testimony of the Martyrs of El Salvador, the CRISPAZ Peace Award was established in 2009 to recognize individuals or organizations that embody the preferential option for the poor in their work for the promotion of peace and social justice.

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crispaz News & updateS

2024 Peter Hinde CRISPAZ Peace award.

We are excited to announce the 2024 Peter Hinde CRISPAZ Peace Award honorees and invite you to save the

Arlene Schaupp Memorial Fund

1934 – 2024 CRISPAZ is humbled that Arlene’s family has chosen CRISPAZ to receive gifts made in her honor.
Save the Date for the 2023 CRISPAZ Peace Award

Peter Hinde CRISPAZ Peace Award 2023

Cathy Cornell and Paul Knitter will receive the Peter Hinde CRISPAZ Peace Award 2023 for their adherence to nonviolent resistance
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